Friday, November 18, 2005


Dr. Claire Gaudiani
The Greater Good
How Philanthropy Drives the American Economy & Can Save Capitalism

Dr. Claire Gaudiani was the incredible, energizing and intellectually challenging speaker at the celebration of PHILANTHROPY DAY sponsored by the Rockland Development Council. You had to be there. You might draw some different conclusions. You would be inspired both by the speaker and her grasp of the GREAT AMERICAN EXPERIMENT that is ongoin to today.

Dr. Gaudiani drew on our history from the Arabella sermon of John Winthrop in 1630 speaking of the need in this new land to share our superfluities until necessities are met for all of us. Our declaration of inter-dependence are the two pillars of philanthropy and generoisity combined with opportunity, particularly opportunity to move up in business.

When the first college in America started in 1636, it was only 7 years later that scholarships were being provided for the children of bakers, blacksmiths and tradesmen who otherwise would never be able to receive an education. Gratitude is the second unerpinning. Those who receive learn by example and give back when it is their turn.

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